Agency & Opportunity for all




A Steward of the
Internet of Education

The LEarnCard


An open source digital and physical wallet that can connect to any system, designed for IDs, Skills, and Learning and Employment Records (LERs). The MetaMask for digital credentials, education, and employment.

5 verbs:
Issue, Earn, Store, Share, Spend.

Learn more→ Get access→Stake  support3 Years AgoTODAY

internet of education

Learner Mobility

The Internet of Education positions learners and employees at the center, allowing data to flow safely and seamlessly between every stakeholder in education and employment, so we can solve our toughest challenges.



Learner Agency

The world is changing, new proven innovations like smart contracts and verifiable credentials have laid the foundation for a gold rush in education that pays learners and employees micro-payments while they learn.

the learning gold rush →Stake  support3 Years AgoTODAY


Co-hosted by

intuitive design

High Impact tech

Rapid Prototypes

Co-Hosted By

A Steward of the
Internet of Education

the internet of education

A Global Network

Together we can create a world where degrees, credentials, online learnings,  workplace development, and career progress are saved on learners' phones and verified on the spot. A world where learners can effectively map education toward their goals, scholarships, holistic living, and abundant employment.

THE DECK→10 Principles→Join→

Steward Highlights

Below are a few of the steward nodes on the Learning Ledger graph, each playing a unique role in impacting students lives.

SuperSkills! Super Skills Lego FOundation Learning Economy Foundation World Bank W3C MIT App Game


A Digital Wallet
for Learning and Employment Records

LearnCard is a robust, standards-based open source software development kit (SDK) which includes frontend and backend components, as well as a fully deployable and freely available app for Web, iOS and Android. It will be made public soon, but for now we are working with a small private cohort to make it as robust and useful as possible.

TEchNIcal Deck →
Request Access→
W3C VC-EDU Taskforce→
The live App →
The Repo & Docs
Open Source License →
SuperSkills! Super Skills Lego FOundation Learning Economy Foundation World Bank W3C MIT App Game

Begin With Kids.
Solve for the Hardest Privacy Challenges.

SuperSkills! is a learning game ecosystem and digital wallet for kids, developed in partnership with LEGO Foundation, where children earn cognitive, creative, social, emotional, and physical skills through play activities on a quest to help save a league of super heroes.  It was built with LearnCard's plugin based kit

learn more →
W3C EDU Taskforce→

The Learn Bank

A Bank in every student's pocket,
an Income to live, and an Education to thrive.

Latest from the

Learning Novella

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The Learning Gold Rush

more team

advisors & Heroes

Our Trusted Allies

Carissa Carter
Director, at Stanford

Carissa Carter

Ana C. Rold
Publisher, Diplomatic Courier

Ana C. Rold

Jacksón Smith
Cofounder, Chief Technology Officer

Jacksón Smith

Cofounder, Chief Technology Officer
Chris Purifoy
CEO, Cofounder

Chris Purifoy

CEO, Cofounder
Judit Arenas
Senior VP, Office of the CEO, APCO Worldwide

Judit Arenas

Senior VP, Office of the CEO, APCO Worldwide
Mark Simon
COO, Pnuema33

Mark Simon

COO, Pnuema33
Manjula Dissanayake
President, Educate Lanka Foundation

Manjula Dissanayake

President, Educate Lanka Foundation
Dean Kline
Blockchain Education, World Bank

Dean Kline

Blockchain Education, World Bank
John Goodwin
Senior Advisor
Former CEO of LEGO Fdn, CFO of LEGO

John Goodwin

Senior Advisor
Michael Torrence, Ph.D.
President, Motlow College

Michael Torrence, Ph.D.

President, Motlow College
Carissa Carter
Director, at Stanford

Carissa Carter

Phil Long
LER Network Facilitator, T3 Innovation Network

Phil Long

LER Network Facilitator, T3 Innovation Network
Kerri Lemoie, Ph.D.
Director, Digital Credentials Research & Innovation at Badgr, W3C VC-EDU Co-chair

Kerri Lemoie, Ph.D.

Director, Digital Credentials Research & Innovation at Badgr, W3C VC-EDU Co-chair
Wesley Teter, Ph.D
Senior Consultant, UNESCO Asia and Pacific

Wesley Teter, Ph.D

Senior Consultant, UNESCO Asia and Pacific
Martin Dougiamas
Moodle Founder and CEO, Open EdTech Founder"

Martin Dougiamas

Moodle Founder and CEO, Open EdTech Founder"
Phil Komarny
VP Innovation, Salesforce

Phil Komarny

VP Innovation, Salesforce
Chloe Autio
AI Policy Strategist, Intel Corporation

Chloe Autio

AI Policy Strategist, Intel Corporation
more steerinG
Simone Ravaioli
Director of Strategic Partnerships, Digitary, Parchment

Simone Ravaioli

Director of Strategic Partnerships, Digitary, Parchment
Daniella Foster
Global VP & Head, Public Affairs & Sustainability, Bayer
Previously, Senior Director Hilton, Mars, and U.S. Department of State

Daniella Foster

Global VP & Head, Public Affairs & Sustainability, Bayer
Tim Sullivan
Founder, Oceanic Partners

Tim Sullivan

Founder, Oceanic Partners
Hiram Chodosh
President, Claremont McKenna College

Hiram Chodosh

President, Claremont McKenna College
John Lenac
Ex Yahoo! Global Director

John Lenac

Ex Yahoo! Global Director
Ana C. Rold
Publisher, Diplomatic Courier

Ana C. Rold

Jonathan Gregory
Vice President, Yorktown Solutions

Jonathan Gregory

Vice President, Yorktown Solutions
Frank Martinez
Co-founder, CTO, BLOCKxStudio, previously Microsoft, IBM

Frank Martinez

Co-founder, CTO, BLOCKxStudio, previously Microsoft, IBM
Bob Sumner
Associate Director & Principal Research Scientist, Disney Research

Bob Sumner

Associate Director & Principal Research Scientist, Disney Research
Jeremy Abbett
Creative Evangelist
Previously Google

Jeremy Abbett

Creative Evangelist
Carol O’Donnell
Executive Director at Smithsonian Science Education Center

Carol O’Donnell

Executive Director at Smithsonian Science Education Center
Alexia D’Arco
Strategic Planning Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Young Professionals in Foreign Policy

Alexia D’Arco

Strategic Planning Advisor, Office of the Secretary of Defense
Ty Francis
Systems & Learning Director

Ty Francis

Systems & Learning Director
Fumbi Chima
Chief Information Officer, Adidas
Previously CIO, 20th Century Fox, Burberry, Walmart Asia

Fumbi Chima

Chief Information Officer, Adidas
Nova Quaoser
Governance Research Lead

Nova Quaoser

Governance Research Lead
Arif Khan
Co-Founder Alethea
Previously, CMO SingularityNET & Accounts Director LinkedIn

Arif Khan

Co-Founder Alethea
Diane Whitehead
Executive Director at Assoc. for Childhood Education International

Diane Whitehead

Executive Director at Assoc. for Childhood Education International

Diane Whitehead is the Executive Director of ACEI. She has dedicated her career to issues that affect the lives of children and families. Diane specializes in children’s education, nonprofit leadership, management, strategic direction setting, and program development. She has designed numerous initiatives, programs, and events that have contributed to the improvement of children’s education worldwide. As Executive Director, she is committed to building ACEI’s global community and to advancing ACEI’s organizational reach, relevancy, and impact. Diane holds an M.A. in Organizational Leadership, a B.S. in Education Foundations, an Executive Certificate in Nonprofit Management from Georgetown University, and a Certificate in Fundraising from Boston University. She has also completed a Certificate in Strategic Education Planning from the UK International Centre for Parliamentary Studies and is a Certified Association Executive (CAE), a credential bestowed by the American Society of Association Executives.

Janet Rafner
Director of Learning, Science at Home
Center for Hybrid Intelligence

Janet Rafner

Director of Learning, Science at Home
Nicole Golden
Consultant, Lead Economist, World Bank
Principal, NGR Advisory

Nicole Golden

Consultant, Lead Economist, World Bank
Jacob Sherson
Director and Founder, Science at Home

Jacob Sherson

Director and Founder, Science at Home
Anders Hedberg, Ph.D.
Sr Advisor, Diplomatic Courier
President, Hedberg Consulting

Anders Hedberg, Ph.D.

Sr Advisor, Diplomatic Courier
Louka Parry
CEO & Founder - The Learning Future
Previously Education Changemakers

Louka Parry

CEO & Founder - The Learning Future
Reggie Watson
Regulatory Compliance Counsel, NAFCU
Previously, U.S. Department of Justice

Reggie Watson

Regulatory Compliance Counsel, NAFCU
Jay Latta
Previously Strategic Planning & Innovation, BMW Group

Jay Latta

Manjula Dissanayake
President, Educate Lanka Foundation

Manjula Dissanayake

President, Educate Lanka Foundation
Dominic Regester
Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar
Previously British Council

Dominic Regester

Program Director, Salzburg Global Seminar
Christine Nasserghodsi
Co-Founder, Mirai
Contributor, Forbes & Huffington Post

Christine Nasserghodsi

Co-Founder, Mirai
Nam-ho Park
Co-Founder, Product Lead, BLOCKxStudio

Nam-ho Park

Co-Founder, Product Lead, BLOCKxStudio
Bernie Hansen
CFO, BlockxStudio

Bernie Hansen

CFO, BlockxStudio
Abby Solomon
Executive Director, SEIU 775 Benefits Group

Abby Solomon

Executive Director, SEIU 775 Benefits Group
Megan Devlin
Director of Communications & Marketing, Meridian International Center

Megan Devlin

Director of Communications & Marketing, Meridian International Center
Jason Griffey
Director of Strategic Initiatives, NISO

Jason Griffey

Director of Strategic Initiatives, NISO
Walter Balser
Writer-researcher, Creator of Open Partnership Education Network (OPEN)

Walter Balser

Writer-researcher, Creator of Open Partnership Education Network (OPEN)
Gregory Nadeau
Public Consulting Group
Ed 3.0 Network, IMS CASE, OpenSALT

Gregory Nadeau

Public Consulting Group
Mark Miller
Managing Partner, Good Harbor Partners

Mark Miller

Managing Partner, Good Harbor Partners
Jonathan Haber
Chief Learner, Degree of Freedom Project

Jonathan Haber

Chief Learner, Degree of Freedom Project
Alex Jackl
CEO & Founder, Bardic Systems

Alex Jackl

CEO & Founder, Bardic Systems
Jim Goodell
Senior Analyst, QIP
Common Education Data Standards (CEDS)

Jim Goodell

Senior Analyst, QIP
Brandt Redd
CTO, Matchmaker Education Labs
T3 Innovation Network

Brandt Redd

CTO, Matchmaker Education Labs
Dan Gohl
Chief Academic Officer, Broward County Public Schools

Dan Gohl

Chief Academic Officer, Broward County Public Schools
Matthew Hailstone
Solutions Architect, Brigham Young University

Matthew Hailstone

Solutions Architect, Brigham Young University
Alison Griffin
Senior VP, Whiteboard Advisors

Alison Griffin

Senior VP, Whiteboard Advisors
Matt Gee
Co-Founder & CEO, BrightHive
T3 Innovation Network

Matt Gee

Co-Founder & CEO, BrightHive
Michael Nettles
Senior VP for the Policy, Evaluation and Research Center of ETS

Michael Nettles

Senior VP for the Policy, Evaluation and Research Center of ETS
Ben Cadranel
Managing Member

Ben Cadranel

Managing Member
Kristína Moss Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir
Education Pioneers Impact Fellow

Kristína Moss Guðrún Gunnarsdóttir

Education Pioneers Impact Fellow
Timothy Ruff
GP, Digital Trust Ventures

Timothy Ruff

GP, Digital Trust Ventures
Chris Richmond
CEO, Mygrants

Chris Richmond

CEO, Mygrants
Alex Grech
Executive Director, 3CL Foundation

Alex Grech

Executive Director, 3CL Foundation
Stepan Gershuni
Founder, Credentia

Stepan Gershuni

Founder, Credentia
Rupert Ward
Director of Strategic Partnerships, International Council on Badges and Credentials (ICoBC)

Rupert Ward

Director of Strategic Partnerships, International Council on Badges and Credentials (ICoBC)
Sarah Silverman, Ph.D.
Co-Founder, Outside Angle and Outside Angle Labs

Sarah Silverman, Ph.D.

Co-Founder, Outside Angle and Outside Angle Labs
Sam Oh
Executive Director, DCMI

Sam Oh

Executive Director, DCMI
Darrell O'Donnell
Founder, Continuum Loop Inc

Darrell O'Donnell

Founder, Continuum Loop Inc
Salih Israil
Founder, ReEntry Connect Technologies

Salih Israil

Founder, ReEntry Connect Technologies
Catherine Millett
Sr. Research Scientist, ETS

Catherine Millett

Sr. Research Scientist, ETS
Sarah Lee
SVP, Education Strategy

Sarah Lee

SVP, Education Strategy
Kelly Page, Ph.D.
Founder & CEO, LWYL Studio

Kelly Page, Ph.D.

Founder & CEO, LWYL Studio
Samuel Smith, Ph.D.
Creator KERI

Samuel Smith, Ph.D.

Creator KERI
Cameron J McCoy, Ph.D.
Provost, Shenandoah University

Cameron J McCoy, Ph.D.

Provost, Shenandoah University
Scott Meyer
Founder, Ed3

Scott Meyer

Founder, Ed3
Christos Makridis
Entrepreneur, Professor, Researcher, Investor

Christos Makridis

Entrepreneur, Professor, Researcher, Investor
Vriti Saraf
CEO & Founder, k20 Educators

Vriti Saraf

CEO & Founder, k20 Educators
Sheryl Grant, PhD
Director, Digital Credentialing Strategies

Sheryl Grant, PhD

Director, Digital Credentialing Strategies
Eugene Leventhal
Operations Lead, Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF)

Eugene Leventhal

Operations Lead, Smart Contract Research Forum (SCRF)
Alexander Nicholas, Ph.D.
Executive Vice President at XPRIZE

Alexander Nicholas, Ph.D.

Executive Vice President at XPRIZE

Ideas To Share

"Ed3" A COLUMN by Scott David Meyer

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State Lab

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Internet of education learning economy foundation IOE

collective action

WeLibrary mobilizes groups into living libraries to organize information, crowdsource intelligence, and curate wisdom.

What We're up Against



Skills Gap

Educating with 19th century tools, in 20th century classrooms, to learn 21st century skills doesn't work.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position



Controlling data and information stifles innovation and coordination. Data should be fuel for the commonwealth.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position



Blockchain is largely misunderstood due to bad actors, lack of regulation, and poor communication.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position



Discrimination in education and hiring ignores true merit and skills for unfair bias, undermining the commonwealth.

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our position

Alien Age

One Size Fits All

Believing all children need to have the same skills at the same level due to  a child's age, stifles all who do not conform, by limiting creativity and putting them in boxes.

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our position

Professor Oneway

Linear Learning

Teaching there is only one way to develop skills or telling rather than letting them do, stifles skill development and limits children's critical thinking and self motivation for learning.

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position

President Negative

Self Doubt

Telling children they can’t do things before they have tried them sows seeds of doubt and stifles problem solving and critical thinking. 

Why Cryptocurrency works
our position

Doctor Pressure Test

Old Models

Forcing children to sit alone in dark school rooms and squeeze everything they know through a small pipe, stifles learning energy, collaboration and creativity.

I'm in
yeah, right→
our position

The Docs

Learning Gold Rush Manuals

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Suspendisse varius enim in eros elementum tristique. Duis cursus, mi quis viverra ornare (call to action -- Join the Discussion (Tel).

state Implementation Report & Roadmap

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Learning economy foundation

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